Friday, August 1, 2008

Cirque Are you Shitting Me

Casey, don't throw away those flip flops yet, I may be able to book you here next year and you will need a costume. I asked Adam, but he won't go unless I let him wear my tall gold boots. I'm just waiting for Dominic Bonehead Jando to explain to me again the definition of class, sophistication, and intelligence that the American Circus audience lacks. They are marketing whizzes as they were insightful enough to call it a CIRCUS, so people wouldn't get confused and think it was a CIRQUE. Apparenty there was no heat because they thought there would be horses.


Casey McCoy Cainan said...

I'll pass.

Weren't you on Vargas Wade?
What happened, these guys say you looked to old when you applied???,,,,,,,lol

Anonymous said...

This puts the Q into cirque!

Wade G. Burck said...

So that's where the Q went. I wondered what ueer meant. LOL

Pat Cashin said...

And there I'd always thought that Cirque du Soleil was the "gay circus".