Saturday, August 16, 2008

African rhinoceros--Vincennes Zoo--1955

Written on the back of the above picture, "African Rhinoceros photo study at the Vincennes Zoo, 1955. CASE CLOSED. Don't let the heat merchant running this bull shit blog, come up with any crap, like "this is an Indian rhinoceros." The picture above was taken when he was a year old, so he doesn't know anything. Everybody, including the predecessors he has no respect for, know that an Indian rhinoceros is also called a "one horned rhinoceros", and the one above clearly doesn't have a horn. CASE CLOSED. The photo below that he is trying to "patch" it with is a "Rhinoceros unicornis". Even I knew that when Kenny was goofing on everybody with Lancelot. I just dummied up, because I am with it and for it. Not like this first of may with his blog. CASE CLOSED. Smiling John Herriott


Anonymous said...

As aptly noted both photos show Indian rhinos, or as the Germans call them “Panzernashorns” because of the armored appearance. The first photo (b&w) shows the male that came to the new Vincennes zoo in Paris on April 7, 1934 where it lived until April 4, 1960.

Its horn is worn down to a flat stub. This is common in zoos and is caused by the animal rubbing its horn on the stone walls of its enclosure. Indian rhinos love water (almost like a hippo) and zoos often provide them with a bathing pool. The black rhino is seldom seen bathing even when the zoo provides a pool. Of all the black rhinos I’ve seen in zoos (lots of them) I’ve never seen but one frolicking in its pool – that at Colorado Springs.

The second photo shows a different, younger rhino. The setting looks like Whipsnade, London’s country zoo.

As information there has not been an Indian rhino on an American circus since 1926 when RBBB’s Bill died in Fort Worth. Indians were fairly common on circuses in the 19th century.

Wade G. Burck said...

Where do you come up with that crap? LOL Good stuff, a lot like that crap Jim Alexander comes up with in regards to the St. Louis Zoo. LOL
Thanks for the additional info, but we had it covered. As for only seeing one black rhino in the water, now you have seen two. CASE CLOSED. LOL
Smiling John

Anonymous said...

We had both indian and black at OKC zoo when I ran the elephant ride there in 86. Had built squeeze for rhino's and brought them in daily to train and palpate for AI program. Had black die and have a set of photo's of the posting. Very interesting time there as got first experience with hippo's as well.

Wade G. Burck said...

I have Lawrence Curtis's first AAZPA manual. How's that for interesting?

Ryan Easley said...

Was it an in-house elephant ride or contracted to a circus/private owner?