Saturday, July 5, 2008

Vintage St. Louis Zoo


Anonymous said...

Note it's a male Southern elephant seal, probably around late 30s into the 40s. The keeper, Emil Trojan, would stand on the seal's back and toss fish to the sea lions the shared the pool. The elephant seal would bend his head back, kind of a back bend, to get his fish. (The days when keepers could be showmen.)

In the early 1960s the Zoo acquired a pair of Northern elephant seals. The female died in the first year or two but the male set a longevity record of 14 years.

Pool basic pool, built in 1918, is still in use although a filter system has been installed along with gunite rock work. A new pinniped exhibit is in the planning stage.

Wade G. Burck said...

Jim A,
Thank you. That's why I didn't recognize it, and thought it was gone. Surrounded with gunite would make it unrecognizable.