Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Royal Carre Theatre built by Oscar Carre

This building is still in use today, and has a winter cirque as well as other show. The chairs in the middle are removed and that is the area for the ring. Note the perpetual human round pen. All the "Cirque" building in Europe are round for one ring like in a tent. Historically built for the working of horse/ring stock and one act at a time. But I wonder at the same shape of a bull ring? It is a bigger different world in America and we have had to make use of Madison Square Garden, Boston Gardens, Chicago Stadium which would contain 3 rings and three rings of things going on. It has caused a very different set of circumstances for American Animal Trainers and we have had to adapt to an ever changing environment. Something European Animal Trainers aren't usually faced with until they arrive on our shores, and why some of the acts are "backwards" in an American building.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you'll realise, the view is from the stage out towards the auditorium.And I shall be in this very building one week from now. I'll tell you why when I get back!
