Friday, July 4, 2008

Martin Lacey Jr.


Anonymous said...

Does anybody now were this picture is taken, and are these the same lions that graham chipperfield presented?

Wade G. Burck said...

This is the act he currently works. I believe it was his first year with the act. It was a Dickie Chipperfield act, but I don't think it is the one that Graham worked. I was asked to take it to Ireland, just before Martin started working with it.

Anonymous said...

This lion you see I think is another lion then he is performing with now. Now he performs with Kasanga, he is born in 2000 and was for the first time in the Ring in august 2002. When did Martin started to work with the act, and in witch circus? I saw him more then 10 times working with the act and it's just a great act! I found a video of Graham working with the lionnesses on ringling and it are just the same tricks. In 1998 there was also o group of Dick Chipperfield's lionesses in cirque Arlette Gruss presented by Georgika Kobahn.
