Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Louis Roth on the Barnes Show with a fresh Coronado

In reference to the sea lions below, people have no idea how much damage they can do. When I first was at Marine land, I was asked "have the tigers ever hurt you?" As I pointed out a few scars, one of the new fish cutters said, "hell that's nothing, go look at Carl's legs." Carl was the head Sea lion Trainer and his leg's and arm's were a like chop suey.


Anonymous said...

I agree with that. Cyndi has a pretty bad scar on her side from one these super slugs. I think they are always bad bites because thier teeth are re verse serrated, that is if the teeth break the skin they go in clean but tear on the way out.

Wade G. Burck said...

The sealion act at Marine land in the mid 70's was spectacular with 8 females and a beautiful male in the middle. I mentioned in an earlier post about the head trainer leaving over a "habitat dispute" and the problems with the Orkas. It was hilarious to watch the sea lions when Carl would take a day off. They would be in the middle of their act, and it was like the male had a watch, and he would check the time, because all of a sudden he would turn, look around, and jump off his pedestal, with the 8 females following and head for the holding/cage area with 3 or 4 assistant trainers running behind, bridging and blowing whistles like crazy. It was particularly funny if they were doing a behavior with one or two at the time, as they would run at the assistant trainers, with their mouths open barking, so they would get out of the way, and they could exit with the pack. The audience never appreciated the full spectacle because they couldn't see the fish cutter acting like a goalie with a plywood shield trying to keep 8 big pucks with teeth from going through the door into the back holding/cage area.

Anonymous said...

That just sounds hilarious! Animals, at least the trained ones anyway, always know when the real "Boss" is out.
Wade, give me 'till tomorow to send those pics. Cyndi is making stay home as I have the flu, so you may get a few things from me.