Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hans Strassburger--Laszlo, can you tell us something about this gentleman?


Anonymous said...

Yes,He was afamous horse trainer and high school rider ,born 1911 and dead 1965.He's act was 12 friesian,12 barbary arab,12 lipizzaners,7 danish tigereshecken,high school horses Othello,boy,kobold etc.From 1943 to1951 performed in Sweden with Michaela Busch ,after 1951 went to Circus Busch. László

Wade G. Burck said...

Great information, thank you. Were all the horses combined in one act, or were they separate numbers? 36 animals with black, dark grey, and grey must have be beautiful. Why 7 tigereshecken? Possibly worked with 7 of something else?

Wade G. Burck said...

The tigereshecken you refer to, were they Knabstrupper, or a different breed? I remember when Knabstrupper were used guite a bit as liberty horses in Europe a number of years ago.

Anonymous said...

They were seperate acts but He performed a tableau act with 40-60 horses.The tigerschecken is Knabstrupper .Hans Strassburger was the son of circus director Adolf Strassburger his brother was Carl horse trainer and director.