Tuesday, July 29, 2008

For Joe Howell--Harmon Killebrew

One night after a show in Phoenix, Arizona Buddy and Bob approached me and thanked me for the wonder show, that they had just seen. When Buddy introduced himself, I immediately recognized the name living in Chicago for many years, and he introduced me to Bob. I laughingly said, "so what, you are not Minnesota Twins", which is my team growing up in North Dakota. Buddy, laughingly shot back, "a lot of them live in Phoenix, and I might know some. Is there someone you wanted to meet?" I said "yes, my hero when I was a kid, Harmon Killebrew, who is 5th among all-time home run hitter with 573". Buddy said, I know who he is, but I don't know where he lives, do you Bob?" To which Bob replied, "maybe Texas." We had a great hour walking around and looking at the animal, and as they got ready to leave, Buddy said, "I would like to come back tomorrow night with my girlfriend. Could we meet you after the show so she could see the animals." I said, "it would be my pleasure, and let me arrange tickets. Do you just need two?" Buddy said, "make it 3 in case one of her friends wants to come." Bob couldn't make the show but said he would stop by after. Next night I left tickets in the will call, with a note that I would meet them at the back door after the show. As I am waiting, a voice behind me says, "beautiful show, Wade." I turned around and there stood Harmon. He and Buddy and Bob do a lot of charity events in Arizona and live not far from each other. One of the greatest nights of my life.


Anonymous said...

Somehow I was expecting to see the man hover over you like a giant. My memory of Harmon was of this big man with a big girth. He does appear to be in good shape for his age. I hope to see his plaque in the hall of fame the next time we go out east. By the way, did you know he was one of only four sluggers of all time to hit a ball on top of the left field roof at Tiger Stadium. Can you name the other 3? In fact, he is in the baseball almanac for hitting the longest homerun the day he cleared the roof. His ball didn't just hit the roof, it cleared the roof. Simply amazing.


Wade G. Burck said...

I that was my exact impression. This huge man had now shrunk. The I realized I was 6 foot and not 14 any more. I knew about his exploits at Tiger Stadium, but I am not aware of the other 3. I'm still trying to figure out what was up with Denny Mclain?

Anonymous said...

Frank Howard, Cecil Fielder and Mark McGwire. Denny McLain is a mystery to me. He has been through a lot in a lifetime. At least he's out of jail. His name still appears in the paper every now and then but I really don't pay too much attention. I'll never forget the year he had in 1968! The Detroit Tigers were awesome that year and I was just old enough to remember. I've been a huge tiger fan ever since. Is it any wonder why I like tigers so much? We are proud to live in the area that fields teams named the same as our favorite wild animals. Too bad our football team hasn't lived up to their namesake.


Wade G. Burck said...

That's because you let Barry Sanders walk, and hired that goof Matt Millen to ramrod the deal. Next to my beloved Vikings releasing Brad Johnson so he could engineer a Superbowl for Tampa Bay, and then deciding to give Brock Lesner a chance because he body slammed and pinned Yokozuna on Summer Slam, giving that chimp Millen a hand grenade so he could pull the pin on the Lions was brilliant. Kept the Lions from kicking the snot out of the purple people eaters until they got them selves together long enough to trash it on a party boat. Hard to stay loyal sometimes, isn't it Joe.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of infamous Tiger Denny McLain, I asked Joe about Kirk Gibson and Dave Rozema, the pair who married "the flying Sklarski sisters", titty dancers from Eight Mile. LOL Joe told me that these guys are from the 1984 World Series, not the 1968.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Joe's right. It was 1984. What's your point? LOL