Friday, April 11, 2008

Rose Bowl Parade, Pasadena California

Knighty, a distinguished, grand gentleman, as fine a representative of the Friesian breed as can be found, and Madame Col. Rossi leading the Rose Bowl Parade. Who as a child used to sit and fantasize, which horse was theirs? Fact is, I'll lay odds you still do it today. I know I do. How about some of the Bolin saddles, hip drops, breast collars, headstalls with romel reins lined with sterling ferrels.
Trivia for you Casey. Lou Regan's father was the Chief of Police for the city of Pasadena for 16 years.

1 comment:

The Magicians Assistant said...

Knight Hawk, yet another rare creature. What a wonderful horse. He was the first friesian I rode.