Monday, April 7, 2008

Further research into the difference between "fetching" & "unseemly" on Buckles Blog

On January 9, 2008 this comment was posted which I am assuming makes it "fetching"

On April 2, 2008 this comment to was not posted, which I am assuming makes it "unseemly", as we know by now the "cute name" has nothing to do with it.

Johnny Herriott,
As we are talking about elephants, my husband and I saw and videoed the Roy Wells/Cuneo elephants a few years ago on a visit to an elephant festival at Wisconsin Dells. We have the video and it shows the elephants quite unruly in the ring. Throwing dirt-shaving, flapping ears, and trying to get off tubs, etc.
It seems that when Irvin Feld was alive he was an avid fan of the great european trainers like, Williams, Schmidt, Gautier, and the new generation of Feld is also. Nuff said

Another example of "fetching"
johnny said...

All of us who were around Gunther over the years will recall Congo and her attitude and how well Gunther handled her. She never "tailed up", nor lined up with the rest of the herd and of course did her own thing on the animal walk. As a single O elephant it was O.K. However I doubt if there were three Congo type Africans in the herd that it would be a different story. We note that she survived in the herd while other Africans brought in during that time ended up on the wayside. She was exceptional but Gunther kept her going.

07 April, 2008 08:39

The addendum which was deemed "unseemly" as it did not poste


Some would suggest that the better elephants came from a certain country. I wouldn't, but it appears that some would.

Your friend, Wade Burck

I think this pretty much clears up any misunderstanding about what "fetching" and "unseemly" mean. I guess it is what ever you want it to mean. If you are on the Throne and your intention is to give the subjects what information you feel they need. Very effective for keeping them subjects, and keeping you on the throne. LOL

Wade Burck


Anonymous said...

I happened to see the Casselly elephants less than 2 weeks ago, and I would say that they were very well behaved, in what was a new routine. Both in performance, and "round the back" afterwards.

John Cooper.

Wade G. Burck said...

Mr. Cooper,
Welcome Sir. This isolated post may have caused you some confusion. It was used as an example of "selective posting" if it was directed away from you or your friends. Mr. Woodcock and Mr. Herriott are dear friends and Roy Wells(who was used for the example only) is Mr. Herriotts son in law.
If you will reference the original thread on Buckles Blog dated 1/09/08, you will see that it was my friend John Herriotts effort at a "cheap shot" at a European animal act, which I find offensive personally. He was confused and thought they were the act that had been to Monte Carlo previously with the St. Bernard dogs and African elephants. You will also see on that thread that I corrected him, and pointed out that the Casselly's were indeed a fine elephant act, as well as a great horse act, and I would love to meet them some day. I apologize for a misunderstanding John, and hope this explanation and direction to the original thread will help in clearing it up, but also show you how "selective circus history" is misleading and none factual.
I will look forward to hearing from you again John, and clearing up "spun history."
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Wade.
I see that "a few days later" it's suggested that the act with the elephants and the St Bernards is that of Wendel Huber. Quite likely, as the Cassellys were at Monte carlo this year, and it was there first appearance there.
Please understand that I don't always look at American-based sites, as I get lost rather easily, even though I do take an interest in circus outside of the British Isles, and, indeed, of Europe.


Wade G. Burck said...

Nice to hear from you. Do you know Sandro Montez? I heard he is a pretty good trainer with exotics, and I would like to get in touch with him.
I like you John, am interested in all circus around the world. I read as many blogs, sites, etc. as possible. Everybody has their own opinion of what is accurate opinion, and I can respect their opinion.
I have a problem with some of the European sites? I have tried to register, to post comments and read "secret archives" and 2 in Germany and one in Italy won't let me register once my email and name is given. Do you not think that is odd? Any good ones in England that you may suggest to our readers?
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

I really do not have the time to carefully review all that is on your new blog and am surprised that you feel Buckles did not do justice to you and your comments. It seems that your comments took well over fifty per cent of the comments and rattling on about Arabian horse shows was not our "Circu8s" cup of tea.I( would suggtest thyat you7 are not all knowledgeble on so mant subjects and that if you spent as much time training tigers as you do on the blog that nyou would be the worlde wide sensation you so desire. I wiswh you success on your blog. I have no idea what monetary value it might be for you for spending so much time. Fortunately I am retired and can view at my leisure. For your info I would like to inform you that one of the most highly rated horsemen on seminars in the world has been in contact with me for some time and newxt month will be coming down hwe with some horses to get a perspective on circus traINING AND my name and credentiALS WERE GIVEN TO HIM BY ONE OF THE MOST HIGHLY RATED PEOPLE IN rINGLING ANIMAL CARE AND MANAGEMENT. I feel Bukles did you a favor and you owe him an apology. When you can fit in Buckles shoes in the newxt twenty years or so you may get the recognition you so desire. Just last night I saw the "RING OF FEAR" on AMC and the shots of Beatty with a number of bouncing males and the finale of him working with a huge Bengal Tiger are sensational. Guess he separated all the men and the boys. He was good and the public paid to see him for fifty years. case closed. I will be waiting to hear when you get a corporate sponsor. In the me3an time I aqm just coasting along on my name.

Wade G. Burck said...

John Milton,
Congratulations on the gig with the "highly rated horseman." Is it anyone we know? And when did these people in the Ringling Animal care and Management Department become so "highly rated." I had always heard they were a bunch of "college educated" idiots, who didn't know the first thing about running a circus, not like the old school. I guess they got smarter, right. LOL Shoot Henry Edgar, Klsdad, and I were about the only one's ever defended their organization. We should be the ones "horse whispering" to the gent in Sarasota. That sucks!!!!!
What favor did Buckles do me? If you are talking about setting a high standard of excellence in the elephant training field, for young wanta be's like me to follow, then yes he did do me a favor, and I am eternally greatfull. When it was suggested that I start my own blog, it made sense, and I headed that advice. It was not done out of disrespect. It is a big world, room for a lot of opinions, as Mr. Woodcock suggests. It is why everybody tries to link up their blogs. Many opinions, many sides on which to make an educated decision on a issue. I could delete this, but I RESPECT you, and your opinion. The board of directors are committed to a non censored site,(with 2 exceptions) and most importantly it validates the thread we are on right now.
Wade Burck