Friday, May 29, 2015


PICTURE AND TEXT from page 337 of "Animal Life and the World of Nature; A magazine of Natural History" (1902)

The little animal shown in the photo- graph on this page belongs to Young Serow. a species very rare in cap- tivity, the Serow (Nemorhtvdxs sumatrcnsis). No specimen of this animal appears to have reached Europe alive, and the present one was thought a great rarity in India, where the photograph was taken. The serow is a member of the curious group of animals known as goat-antelopes, which are all mountaineers, familiar in the person of the European chamois. The present species has a wide range in South-East Asia, extending from Kashmir to the island of Sumatra. There is a certain amount of difference between examples from different parts of this large area, which gives reason for the establish- ment of several sub-species, the Himalayan serow being thus styled Nemorhceclus suma- trensis bubalinus. In colour this form is black-and-tan, with white belly and stockings; a specimen from Arakan in the Indian Museum, the Gapricomis rubida of that eminent naturalist the late Edward Blyth, was tan throughout. The serow is about the size of a donkey when adult, and both sexes have short but sharp horns, ringed at the base and gently curved backwards. The longest pair recorded barely exceed a foot in length. Nevertheless, in spite of his awkward appearance and in- significant-looking weapons, the serow is an animal of much character. Extremely active, he frequents the most difficult and steep ground, though he does not range to a very high elevation; and he is not only dangerous to man when brought to bay, but is said to be a match even for the terrible dholes or wild dogs (Cyon dukhuii- cnsis), the worst foes of Indian big game.. 


The serows (/səˈr/ or /ˈsɛr/) are six species of medium-sized goat-like orantelope-like mammals of the genus Capricornis.
All six species of serow were until recently also classified under Naemorhedus, which now only contains the gorals. They live in central or eastern Asia.

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