Bob Cline continued:
# 11 was taken at Circus World Museum in 1964 and #12 was taken at Circus World Museum in 2007.
Is this the same wagon that you have at the very top of your post? Probably, but there were a lot of changes made from 1933 to 1934 if this was re-worked as Joe Bradbury speculated. The Mickey Mouse photo at the top of your post also shows the furniture post carving at each end of the wagon being right on the very back end and about a board in on the front. There is clearly seen a "Picture Frame" type casing around the Mickey Mouse paintings. The skyboard design on the top of the wagon or the carvings doesn't match any photo before or after 1934. The Hagenbeck-Wallace, Forepaugh Sells portraits used in 1935 now have the furniture post carvings moved in about 10" from the back. The Skyboard doesn't match the year before speculating some changing in the wagon. The "Picture Frame" casing doesn't show up as pronounced in 1935 as in 1934 and by 1937, thee is no frame casing at all. Which all of this has to make one wonder is it the same wagon? Why make three or four cosmetic changes to a wagon in addition to repainting it?
Moving up to the CWM days, if you compare the #7 photo on Arthur Bros. with the # 11 CWM parade photo, you'll see the historical accuracy is no wheres to be seen. The tiger isn't the same, the carved skyboard didn't exist in 1945 and the carvings at the bottom aren't the same either. However, if you'll compare # 7 to the #14 parade photo in 2009, you'll see the carvings on the bottom now match, the skyboard is lettered and not carved and the painting of the tiger still doesn't match but..... I also don't agree with the color choices of the 2009 version. The letters are clearly darker in the black and whicte photo than the body of the tiger not almost identical as it is painted now. That's just my opinion.
It is the intention of the Circus World Museum to immediately restore the wagon to its former glory so that it can also roll in the big Milwaukee street parade on July 4. The Museum is extremely pleased to have acquired this wagon and circus historians everywhere are most grateful to Mr. Goebel for his kindness in donating it where it can be restored and kept as a living reminder for all times of the old Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus. Joseph T. Bradbury. Bandwagon, Vol. 7, No. 4 (Jul-Aug), 1963, pp. 16-17
'Above are the options CWM had to restore #11 Arthur Bros. Ticket Wagon to "a living reminder for all times of the old Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus" as per Louis Goebel's request. Below, after much consideration and deliberation, is what they came up with. I'll bet that makes folks want to rush right out and donate something!'
Joseph T. Bradbury. Hobby Bandwagon, Vol. 5, No. 3 (April), 1950, pp. 8-13:
Louis Goebels Lion Farm, Thousand Oaks. Owns 4 old wagons. Red Ticket Wagon, last used on Arthur Bros. Circus 1945, formerly Hagenbeck-Wallace. Last on HW, 1938; White Ticket Wagon, formerly on Sells-Floto Circus; Baggage Wagon, old Chevrolet display wagon, last on Hagenbeck-Wallace, 1938; Baggage Wagon, last on Hagenbeck-Wallace, 1938.
The World Jungle Compound, Ventura Blvd., Thousand Oaks. Owns 40 old wagons, practically all in excellent condition and used for movie rentals. Elephant carvings from old Al G. Barnes tableau decorate the main entrance. 2 Cages, formerly Hagenbeck-Wallace, 1938, last used on Arthur Bros., 1945; 2 Cross Cages, formerly Hagenbeck-Wallace, 1938, last on Arthur Bros., 1945; 6 Cages, last used Hagenbeck-Wallace, 1838; Combination Dog & Blacksmith Wagon, one time giraffe wagon, formerly Hagenbeck-Wallace, last Arthur Bros., 1945; "No. 75 Tableau - Red Riding Hood on one side, Humpty-Dumpty, other (paintings)," originally built for Adam Forepaugh, later Hagenbeck-Wallace, last on Arthur Bros., 1945, Note: This wagon has always carried the No. 75; Tableau, with corner posts square design, formerly Ringling Bros., last on Hagenbeck-Wallace, 1938; Ticket Wagon, painted white and tiger on sides, formerly on Hagenbeck-Wallace, last on Arthur Bros., 1945; Combination Tableau-Cage, formerly on Ringling-Barnum, last on Hagenbeck-Wallace, 1938. This wagon was rebuilt by movie studios by putting seat with canopy on front of it. It was used in W. C. Field's picture, "Never Give a Sucker a Break," and last used in "Caged Fury"; No. 24, Water Tank, formerly Al G. Barnes-Sells Floto; 4 Small Cages, formerly on Gentry Bros. Dog & Pony Show; 2 Baggage Wagons, formerly Al G. Barnes-Sells Floto; 18 Baggage Wagons, last on Hagenbeck-Wallace, 1938. However, a few were used by Arthur Bros., 1945; Several Pieces of Circus Equipment, designed and built by movie studios, are on the lot. These will not be listed. The following movie titles have been painted on several of the old baggage Wagons and cages: "World Wide Wild West Show & Rodeo"; "Costers Circus & Carnival"; "Sargents Wild Animal Circus"; "King Lamar Circus, World's Greatest Menagerie"; Corey & Murray Circus"; "Great American Circus," - Note: This may have been the short lived 10 car circus in 1939.
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