Monday, July 11, 2011

For Steve Robinson

To answer your question, yes Joseph is now riding Ken(Kenya), but don't ask for a picture of me leading him, because someone has to take the pictures for you. After taking him into the ring to practice, we take him out side and turn him loose in the exercise pen, when I am attempting to teach Joseph to ride him alone by using leg and seat pressure as you would with a horse to move him left or right. He is starting to pick it up well, and as you see in the picture below with Joseph shifting weight on his left hip and touching the neck on the same side, Ken is tracking/moving to the right(opposite in the picture above). If Jim Clubb would tell me how to get a giraffe to "kush" I could get my fat old ass up there also. As it stands, only the youth of Joseph permits him to be boosted to that lofty height.

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