Friday, July 1, 2011

Flooding in Minot, North Dakota

As I am enduring the 4th day of 24 year record rainfall in Coacalco, Mexico I received these picture's from my mother of the flooding in Minot North Dakota. The world truly is insane at times.


Anonymous said...

Wade, here's an interesting documentary on the Appleby Gypsy Horse Fair in England.


Wade G. Burck said...

Wonderful video, thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Won't it be a sad world when everything becomes sterile and cold. There is a big movement in the UK to restrict the way of life of the Travellers. I think it would be well worth the trip to Appleby to see this event while it's still happening.
Did you notice the great condition of most of the horses. There's a few I'd give my left nut to have.
I've heard that the Gypsy Vanners that make their way here are mostly the less desirable ones (though I've seen a few stunners over here too). The real cream of the crop are kept as prize possesions of the Travellers to show off.

Stay well.


Wade G. Burck said...

I agree it would be a terrible shame to lose something like this. There are many, many great traditions that the world of political correctness needs to just leave alone. This statement
"I've heard that the Gypsy Vanners that make their way here are mostly the less desirable ones (though I've seen a few stunners over here too). The real cream of the crop are kept as prize possesions of the Travellers to show off." is what lead to the very over priced Arabian horses that were imported from the state studs of Poland and Russia in the late 70's early 80's. Ill informed folks assumed if a sire or dam came from on of those place's they were something special. A few produced exceptionally, but for the most part the dinks were sold and the "cream" was retained at the studs.