Thursday, June 23, 2011

Courtesy of Mike Naughton

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Mobile 941 894 8994


Jim A. said...

The tip was when three adult sea lions didn't just jump up on the seats. Are these animals so jumpy they will only work around their own prop guy? Two guys to get a sea lion up and down a small ladder. Maybe "reasons" as my grandaughters say. I know sea lions can be challenging but they're capable of more.

Wade G. Burck said...

I have been waiting for your comment, as I assumed you would have "picked up" on that. I didn't feel I was qualified to comment, so left it to you. Thank you


Jim A. said...

The goats were a cute 6 min. act that took 8 mins. BUT they looked like they wanted to perform. A nice novelty. Mark Gebel had a goat act with Mickey Antalek's daughter in his youth.