Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Clyde Beatty Novelty Pin


Showbiz David said...

Wade, I can't find an e-mail address for you. About the Cole Bros. tiger act that I liked, somebody commented that you had a hand in it. Might you be able to elaborate, as I might mention the act in a forthcoming book. If you could tell me who created the act, and what role you played, I would much appreciate this.
Thanks, David

Wade G. Burck said...

My email address is As for the "history" of the mentioned act, it is pretty checkered, and was "dumped" in my lap as an eleventh hour attempt at salvaging the money spent. As you know, to this day it cause's "heat", but that is "showbiz." I would prefer not to elaborate any more on it, and you should wait and see if it makes the season before writing it into a book.
