Friday, May 27, 2011

What Is The Difference?????

Is this "behavior" natural because it occurred spontaneously in the "wild" surrounded by trees and rocks and there for acceptable? Is this "behavior" unnatural if it occurs in a performance ring on cue, instead of spontaneously? Apparently a bear possesses the physical ability to move hand over hand, over a rope to attain a reward? Does he then not also possess the intelligence to learn to do the same thing on cue, in a performance ring, surrounded by lights and spangles without it being deemed "unnatural or inhumane?" A normal response is, "he has a choice if he is in the wild, and is not forced to do it." What choice did he have in a house being built in his world, and eliminating normal food stuffs so that he had to go to a bird feeder, placed by a human to feed the wild birds, in order to survive? I hope someone can explain to me what is "natural" and "living free and wild" as "God intended" instead of being forced to do "unnatural things in the service of man."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is natural...unless you dub it Circus. If you call it circus you will have every AR person out calling it abuse.