Wednesday, May 18, 2011

For Ian--Attempting to Address "All Opinions", Valid one's as well as "Imagined, feel good ones."

A satirical look at the resulting changes to the Dressage Stewards Manual. The answer of the FEI to "resolve rollkur". A video artcle by Horses For LIFE Publications. Join us in asking the FEI to once again following the existing rules in Article 401. A standard established by generations of equestrians.

Anyone who thinks the equine industry and individual breed and discipline associations do not attempt to address all issues, as well as keep "everybody" happy need only page through a "rule" book or a Steward/Judges manual to appreciated not only the monumental task at hand, but the incredible effort's at fixing any "perceived" injustice's. The equine industry's livelihood is dependent on people buying their product and services. Much different then your livelihood being dependent on ticket sales. 300 elephants is much easier to pick on, as well as the guarantee of, as a rule free world wide publicity which give's an ar organization dependent on donations, more "bang" for their marketing/publicity buck. Not may news organizations are interested in going out to some farm in the boondocks/sticks to do a "feel good" expose.

I have recommended the online site "horses for life" in the past, and will suggest again, anyone who want's to learn about horse's and horse training, as well as staying up on issues, with an open mind of course, could not spend a few dollar's any more wisely. The on going series detailing the techniques of Nuno Oliveira is worth the ticket price alone.

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