Friday, May 6, 2011

Charly--Circus Amar


Anonymous said...

This must be around 1935 because Charly along with the 15 other elephants from circus Amar, used to belong to a much larger herd of 24 (6 bulls and 18 cows). this herd whas part of circus kludsky, they went bankrupt in 1934, I belief Bouglione wanted to buy these 16 elephants first, but due to political unrest in Austria at the time they postponed the trip, Amar got wind of this and made a deal with circus Kludsky not only would they buy the 16 elephants but also get them out immediately. Sometime this week I will send you an E-mail with a picture of these 16 elephants taken in 1934 in Vienna.

Wade G. Burck said...

Good stuff, thank you. Is circus Kludsky any relation to Evonne Kludsky? Thank you also for the offer of a photo of the 18 elephants, we will look forward to it. I'll bet you are busy this time of year.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure, I thought that Yvonne Kludsky married in to the Kludsky family, witch founded circus Kludsky. you are correct I am busy at this time of year, but i still take the time to check the circus no spin blog. the E-mail is underway.

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you it was received. Plant a rose bush for me, friend. I'll appreciate it, and it will give me the sense I am in your beautiful country on vacation.