Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Folks, Circus doesn't get any better then this!!!!!

Does anyone know who this is doing the liberty pony drill at 2:31?

Incredible footage of Krone's horse carousel, like the one Fredy Knie did at Monte Carlo. I know John Milton has talked about the "cake carousel's here in the Colonies, but unless I can see a picture of one being done, and not a woodcut or lithograph, I have to wonder if they were "carousel's" like we see in this video, and jackpotted into a 4-6 tier wedding cake like fantasy. Also great footage of Deiter Farell's cat act and, correct me if I am wrong, his daughter Monica with the riding black leopards.

Krone's new program CELEBRATION

Remember a little while back I told you that the Krone elephant herd will be seen in Bougliones circuspantomime La perle du Bengale, guess what theme they chose for the elephants in Celebration lol, also check out Jana Mandana's Liberty horses, they look like Flavio Togni's Cremello stalions. I wonder if they rented or bought them from Flavio?. Anyway this concludes my E-mail to you hope al is fine on the other side of the big pond.

regards Bjorn

You are sure correct about the new elephant head pieces, except it reminds me of a Kerala festival(if there was some big ivory present other then Col.) You are also correct about the horse's at 3:21. They look like the same one's Bouglione used a couple of years ago(didn't Gruss have them last year?) as well as the buckskin Jana is shown briefly riding high school. I also note Martin(one of the most pleasing cage act's working today) has gotten rid of the old style barred cage, and has adapted the more modern pull up net cage, although surprisingly it looks to be a "Farfan knock off" with the use of cheaper nico press sleeves instead of the more visually pleasing "interlocked diamond weave". Interestingly more zoo's in Europe use the nico press style, while in the Colonies the majority of zoo's use the "interlocked diamond weave."

Courtesy of Bjorn Krebbers


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm thinking the audience got their money's worth. Everything about it is beautiful, even the audience.

Freiheitsdressur said...

Hi Wade and Bjorn,
The liberty horses do look like Flavio's. The buckskin is named Ramses and is owned by Anja Beran.
Great Videos!

Wade G. Burck said...

Didn't Anja Beran do one of the winter programs a year or so ago? Why are they using Flavio's horses, instead of the Krone grey Arabians? This act has really gotten around, hasn't it.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same thing, but maybe they rented the Cremello's because they wanted something new for the show, I mean it's probarly cheaper to rent an already good working group of liberty horses. Than buy young stallions fresh from the field and starting al the training from scratch?. As far as the elephant headpieces I belief Knie had similar ones some years back. Anja Beran did a High school act whit a ballerina in the March 2008 winter program.

Freiheitsdressur said...

Hi Wade,
Yes, Anja did perform with Krone. I learned about this particular horse on her Facebook page. I don't know why they aren't using their own horses? Maybe they are trying to mix up their routine, while they are training the new horses from Marbach? They look beautiful and I like the thin harnesses too. Are you still training horses Wade? I hope things are well!

Wade G. Burck said...

Chris and Bjorn,
When was the last time Krone "rented" or brought in another animal act? I think Col. Joe who they eventually purchased was the last one. There may be more to this then meet's the eye. Is someone else working with the Arabians at the farm, possibly to open with them at a later date?

Freiheitsdressur said...

Good question-I don't know if anyone else is working with the horses? Was it mentioned on here, that the Krone horse act was opening at a festival later this season-I think I remember reading this somewhere recently?