Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Circus Train Update

The Circus "NO SPIN ZONE": RBBB Circus Train

John - - -
Some of those stats are out of date. The article you sent does have some fine photos, however.
The Blue train is now on 61 cars and the Red on 59. The Feb 2011 TRAINS magazine gives the present count for each unit. Interestingly, while the Red show still carries a bi-level car at the end of its train, that type car has been eliminated from the Blue Unit.
It would be interesting to compare the length of the present 61 -car Blue train (5,409 ft - -more than a mile) to the total length of RBBB's four section 88-car trains of 1929-38 and the 89 car trains of 1941-42 and again in 1948-49. Those old ones were officially called 90 car trains but in those earliest years there were two advance cars and in the later periods only one advance. It is the "back with the show" counts that should be used for the comparison. The old trains were composed of 70 and 72-ft flats, 70-ft stocks, and sleepers of about 80-ft. (am not sure about that). The measurement of the old ones would necessarily include the short span between the cars.
Regardless, there is no doubt that the present trains are the longest single section circus trains of all time.

From Chic Silber:

In 64 or 65 the entire "TGSOE" traveled on 17 cars but I'm sure some of you have records.

A few weeks ago some anonymous moron animal activist suggested that the "movement" had just about eliminated the American Circus. Let's see Chic states that Ringling had 17 train cars in 1964-65 on the entire show and RJR states that today(2011) they have 12o on two units, "the longest single section circus trains of all time!!!!" Great job anonymous moron animal activist, keep up the good work.

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