Thursday, March 31, 2011

Eric's pink convict cichlid fry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So - So True !!

I started off w- brackish fish myself - and moved
up to salt water - and I said - only 1 tank for me !
NOT !! That lasted till me next bonus check ..

Started off with a mini coral nano Reef - which turned into a 55 Gal Reef with more halide lights to light my entire street so I could add my annemones and clowns and corals -

Then of coarse now I had to add another salt water fish only so I can keep some of the more infection prone fish such as Some of the tangs in medicated water -

Thank god for mail order - close to wholesale pricing - supplies - or I would be really broke !
I keep telling myself - look at these prices / what a deal !

I really think I too need to join a 12 step program.
However I still can't take that 1st step of admitting there is a problem - but it's coming.
I'm sure the intervention meeting will be waiting for me when I get home from work one day soon

Bobby T