Friday, February 11, 2011

Zebra Hitches

Unknown location and date


Richard Reynolds said...

These are Grevy zebras. Tough customers for sure. I believe this is the first photo I've ever seen of Grevys in harness.

Wade G. Burck said...

"Tough customers" is an understatement for these brutes. The last place I would want to be is in the seat of a wagon that a team of Grevys are trying to outrun. On first seeing this picture I was surprised at the choice of a couple of miniature donkeys for the wheel team. In a run away, I would suspect they would get their hide drug off. You have to wonder what the "swing" team was? In this case it looks like it was a single animal given the single whiffletree in front, taunt as indicated by the trace tug chains. It seems to be a fairly heavy load to have the animals in breast straps instead of collars. I wonder if this "team" was a circus deal, and there is an elephant in the front? The wagon does seem to be a farm vehicle of some sort, but most winter quarters were in rural area's. Any thoughts?