Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thrikkadavoor Shivaraju


Anonymous said...

I guess they know something that we don't.tanglefoot

Wade G. Burck said...

If time spent in the "trench's" is indicative of knowledge, we have to assume they know a lot more "something that we don't." They have been at it 100's of years longer. Or maybe their environment is different from ours, just as the environment of a tent show is different from a building show, as Europe's is different from the United States, as is Australia's from South America, etc. etc. I wonder how much can be learned by looking at "why" something is done, instead of "how" it is done. You very, very, seldom if ever, see photo's of male elephants standing on a picket line. They are all picketed singly and alone. You also see, one mahout for each male. Is that because a mahout normally owns only one elephant, or is that one reason for their success?
