Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Monte Carlo Gold--Flavio Togni and Bello Nock


john herriott said...

Just great Bello. Who trained this act? Bello did a great job in presentation. Made what is hard look easy. Wonderful. Johnny .

john herriott said...

Elephants are not Flavios best effort. He is a master trainer-presenter and I was disappointed. The four elephant. four horse routine is much superior. This tub sit up was not so correct to be sure. This is a critic and not a knock as Flavio is one of the greats to be sure.

Wade G. Burck said...

John Milton,
Do you really think cattle are hard? How is Flavio's 4 elephant 4 horse routine superior to the Cassartelly's, except he uses Asian and they use African, which you didn't like last year?
Don't get too sweet on us, Col. Regardless of what folks say, I enjoyed you when you hung honest paper, instead of public relations paper.

Wade G. Burck said...

Addendum to John Milton,
I think that is the bovine act from Circus Medrano in France. Flavio received 3 previous silvers with the elephants, before this years gold.


Marco said...

The cow act was trained by Alberto Althoff in the Netherlands as far as I understand.

Anonymous said...

This is indeed not the best act of Flavio. This is because he is presenting 2 of his own elephants and two of Jones Togni. It was an act putted together really fast for Monte Carlo cause his 4 "good" elephants were at Arlette Gruss. Flavio received a silver clown for the Americano elephant act witch I saw on video and was really amazing one of the best I ever saw. His second was for the horse and elephant act. I also saw this one on video and thought it was good. His third silver clown (1998) was for his 9 elephant act and 16 horse act. The 9 elephant he still presented the same way at Americano until 2006 with 13 elephants. Also in 2007 his 4 elephants did the same routine at Arlette gruss. The best elephant act I ever saw in my life. This gold clown he received for his high school, liberty horses, elephant, tiger and horses and camel act. All very good act except this time the elephant act who was a bit basic.


Wade G. Burck said...

You are correct, Medrano has the red and white cows don't they?

Anonymous said...

Wade and Marco,
this is indeed Alberto Althoff's cow act.

john call a spade herriott said...

Obviously I was correct in my assumption that this was a standard elephant act and only Flavios presense gave it any credibility. Wade I do not hang paper. I would never compromise my integrity and if you are so biased and narrowminded don't include me. You have had your day in the sun u8nless at your young age you continue on. When I was your age I was still going strong with some of my best yet to come. There is still a world out there to be conquered and excuses do not enter in. Tanglefoot. I note the tiger act is also not gold plated in any way. Flavio is great, but we have to take each effort by itself. Including you hero with blond hair and he does not train bears.

Anonymous said...

Medrano France Had the same cows from Alberto Presented by Carlos Savadra i think he won something at the last Festival de Massey,

Wade G. Burck said...

John Milton,
It has nothing to do with integrity. It has to do with keeping the same thought/ideal regardless, and not changing with the wind.
Why won't you finish telling us what a "real pro" is and what one isn't, as you brought it up? Come on, what's the difference between an "accident" in the zoo, and an "accident" in the circus with elephants? We let you weasel out on the paralyzed beak deal, then the high school in the circus deal, so I think you owe use to answer the questions you raised in regards to a "real pro."
All folks are different and do things for different reasons, John. I grew tired of performing years ago, and did not see the same glorious light up ahead that you apparently do. As you say, I had my moment in the sun, and it didn't seem reasonable to keep going on. There were no more challenges, no more competition, no more fun, no more burning in the gut. I now wish my son well in his journey. Maybe he will see what I used to see, maybe he won't. Regardless it will be doing it because he want's to, not because he has to.

tanglefoot no bullshit slim said...

You do not answer my questions and that crap about not wanting bto perform anymore, What is wrong with training. I have done that without performing. On both Nellies horses and ca=orona, among others. Flavio obviously was not up to his he3st for obvious reasons and I believe a complete wild animal presentation is not part of his repetoire previously. Looked like he was presenting liberty horses in a cage. So much for that. Keep the alibis coming.At least young Gebel offers no alibis. He just doesn't appear interested to test new waters I suspect. Takes a different breed to do that. You are like O'Reilly with your no spin bullshit. No Spin means ALIBI. how about that?

tanglefoot said...

Seems like you are not impressed with cows or Bella. Like to see you do it. I am good and it sure impressed me,

Wade G. Burck said...

Tanglefoot no bull shit slim old soldier John Milton Herriott Col. Sir,

LOL You are killing me here!!!! I asked you to please clear up some issues, that you yourself raised, and you go into a rant, slinging some here, and slinging some there.
What makes you think you have any idea what Mark Gebel feels or thinks or what his motives are? Why can't you just answer the question's you raised? Is that how you do it at circus celebrity night, or at a tent gathering? Someone asks you a question about something you said, and you tell them to go f**k themselves, and then start telling them about getting the oil changed on your truck instead. LOL You haven't even come close to a fact about me and my motives or intentions. So I am asking please, clear up the issues you raised about the hows/whys of accidents in zoos.

tanglefoot said...

What do you mean, no more challenges. Seems like there have been alot of new wonderful innovative training where you left off and I never was aware that you wrote the book.

Wade G. Burck said...

That's what I said, and I will say it again, NO MORE CHALLENGES. At your leisure John Milton could you list some of those "alot of new wonderful innovative training where you left off" that you mention. I would be interested in not only hearing them, but seeing if they could possibly excite me again.
Thank you, I appreciate it.