1924 Popular Mechanics
Early 20th century Rhino foot humidor, attributed to Rowland Ward
Rowland Ward - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's strange how you can buy silk flowers or artificial flower's but I have never seen "guilt free" flower's for sale? Some will claim you can't tell the difference. Oh, yes you can. Just as you can tell the difference between pleather/leather, artificial sweetener/sugar, margarine/butter, soy milk/cow's milk, or "bloodless" fur coat/ sable fur coat. You can buy ostrich boots easily, but try to find a pair of elephant boots. Instead of looking, you might consider sting ray, where you can even chose male or female. You can raise and eat cows, goats, sheep, pigs, buffalo, deer, chickens, ducks, turkeys, rabbits etc., but you can't raise and eat a horse!!!!! It's impossible to even ship them someplace else, for someone else to eat!!!! You can put a leather saddle from a cow on a horse to ride it, but you can't put a leather saddle from a horse on a cow to ride it!!!!!!! You can wear a leather coat from a sheep's skin, but you can't wear a fur coat from a fox's pelt!!!!!! If it is legally taken, or "found", and is not an animal that has been of service to man, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE!!!! A couple of years ago when the Kenyan President authorized the burning of millions of dollars worth of "stored" ivory, rather then selling it, the world watched and said, "you go, guy," and a couple of million starving Kenyan's watched and said, "are you shitting me?" How many American Veterans live below the poverty level? How many mothers and fathers have lost children? How many children have lost a mother or a father? Folks who gave their lives, so you could be free to be stupid and worry more about whether a dog or a lion is euthanized or has a nice place to live out his life!!!!! America's a taxing fool. Here might be a "good tax." For every dollar spent/donated to animal "rights", an equal amount has to be spent/donated to human rights. For every nitwit that want's to support an animal for life in a sanctuary, require them by law to also support a Veterans family for life. Free to make a "feel" good choice, free to make a "real" good choice. It's a no brainer, and something that Born Free, Peta, ASPCA has taught us is very affective. It is just like their methods of getting there agenda done. It is called the "carrot and the stick method." They lobby to pass their agenda into law, and endorse the government entity that does. They lobby to pass their agenda into law, and boycott the government that doesn't.
Since white animals seem to be the ultimate performers to have around since the days of Pawah, how lucky is this?
An albino camel is about as rare as Nike sneakers. But if you want to talk about lucky, here is a fellow Australian of Steve Robinson and Robert Perry who has "created" a nice little business out of the "rare" phenomena, with respect to "cremeline."
youre right it's not even an albino camel but probarly a white one it's one of Flavio Togni's camel mares that gave birth to this calf, and he only has normal white ones.
What do you mean "you are right!!!" There is no need to verify that fact, it is a given and goes without saying. LOL The fact that you refereed to the the momma's as "mares" and pointed out that they are white, but not albino's, is proof positive that you are almost as animal savvy as I am.
Be safe, friend.
elephant foot canisters? Give me a jew skin lampshade any day.
I only posted your comment because it brilliantly illustrates the ignorance and pathetic nature that the world has taken. Thank you.
I found a clip on the web showing Flavio Togni with the mare and her foal go to:
now there is somthing you dont hear everyday lol, a gardner who is just as animal savyy as an animal trainer.
Whoa friend, don't sell yourself short. I know a number of animal trainers who know only about a 10th of what you know. Just like being born in the royal family, you don't have to know squat about being a King to be one, and history has shown you don't have to know squat about training an animal to be an animal trainer. You have had an interest in the subject for many, many years and have spent the time studying it and learning it, which is something many have not done. I may not be an architect, but that doesn't mean I don't suck the subject up like a great ice tea. No Bjorn, your no slouch when it comes to animal knowledge. You are a respected Gardner, and I can't keep a silk plant alive, so your one up on me Pal.
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