Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Does anyone know who the trainer in the white "safari" costume is?

The other day I posted a number of elephant act photos, which I wrongly thought were Circus Krone, which a number of good folks corrected and said they were Circus Busch. The trainer in the pictures and the headpieces on the elephants were what confused me. I was only aware of Krone and Knie having the distinct "web" head pieces. I have since discovered that Circus Carl Hagenbeck also had the "web" headpieces so I guess they were common in Germany and not unique as I suspected. The clip from Hagenbeck 1940 has elephants with similar head pieces and ear drops to the elephant head pieces below, but they are again, "different." Are the two photo's below also from Circus Busch or are they from Circus Carl Hagenbeck? Of special interest on this great clip, in addition to the great liberty horse's and elephants(does anyone know who the trainers are?) is the footage at the end of, I believe the great Rudolf Matthies with his tigers.

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