Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza in 2008 above and 2009 below, having a "real bad day at the office." For any folks that think office politics suck, and two hours of snarled traffic jams getting to and from work is as bad as it get's, you need to spend a day at Pablo's office. I am not going to tell you the beautiful buckskin's name above in photo one, or the outcome. The bay below in picture two is named Pata Negra, and it looks awful bad, doesn't it? In addition to telling you his name, I am going to tell you the outcome of this incident also, because that is also Pata Negra with Pablo in photos three, four, and five, 24 hours after awful photo two.
In the past we have discussed "when/how did the animal welfare deal turn into animal rights," and" what is this insane obsession with elephants?" In 1984 my 8 year old son Adam, who now trains tigers, as I did, while doing an interview with the New York Post, was asked by the reporter, referencing the baby tiger Adam was holding asked quote, "what is the baby(4 weeks old) tigers name?" To which Adam replied quote, "he doesn't have a name." The reporter asked quote, "why not?" Adam replied quote, "my Dad and I don't name the baby tiger's until they are 3 months old. The reporter asked quote, "why not?" My 8 year old son replied quote, "if we name them, and something happens to them and they die, then we feel soooooo bad. But if they don't have a name(as he shrugged his shoulders), then oh well, we don't feel as bad." To this day the Ringling Bros. National Press Director and North American Press Rep. for Federation Mondiale du Cirque references the above interview and shrugging of the shoulders by Adam in 1984 as "so cute"
John Fredrick Walker, author of Ivory Ghosts(Atlantic Monthly Press), published in 2009 writes this "there was one more aspect of these studies(elephant field research in the early eighty's) that came to have an important impact on the public's perception of the elephant. Douglas-Hamilton's careful observations required keeping track of individuals, which led to naming them (Virgo, Boadicea, etc.) Other elephant researchers adopted this practice. Cynthia Moss had her Slit Ear and Tallulah, Katy Payne had Miss Piggy. Subsequent documentaries on these researchers' studies focused on such pachyderm "personalities," which, for a large television audience, had the effect of giving previously anonymous creatures an emotional significance usually reserved for pets."
The clip above has 24 likes and 10 dislikes. The clip below has 63 likes and 42 dislikes
Circusnospin received this Anonymous comment at 3:17AM this morning from an ip address in Tennessee to the Pablo Hermosa de Mendoso thread on Jan. 16th. To me, faceless and nameless equates to nothing, including an opinion, so I didn't post it. But as I think it is important for civilized people to realize the dangers in the world, I will post it here:
Anonymous said...
You and all your aniamal beater circus friends
are going to burn in hell for what you
have done to animals. and you can take your
bulfigher Pablo with you i wish you had all died
with the rest of the roman gladators Leave Carol
Buckley alnoe and kepp your ashole comments
about the Knoxville zoo to your sefl. at least they
lovee animals enough to giv them a choise animlsa
have rights you sick bastard
"Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza--To be a Centaur, you hav...":
For years, animal rights/choice activists have been calling folks like Pablo and myself "animals", "sick bastards", "monsters", "barbarians", "devils span" etc. etc. Peta even went to my youngest son's school, in 1995 to hand out brochures to his class, making sure that he and his friends realized that his father was an "animal abusing criminal." Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza has a son also. Mr. Mendoza and myself work in an "Animal Office" of big dangerous animals, kinda like your "Animal Office" of dogs and cats and pets, but as different as night and day.
Animal rights activists will tell you that Pablo hates bulls. I have never had the honor of meeting Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, but I'll bet you he respects/cherishes them with a love you
have never felt before. How can I make that bet? When I was training a hawks in the early 80's, to use for falconry, I would kill 6 baby chicks and put them in my bag. I could have shipped in 50lbs of frozen chicks from the hatchery, where they were gassed and frozen to be used for "animal consumption" in the pet and zoo industry, but I found my birds liked them better "fresh and warm." I would pull one leg off at a time and reward the hawks, when they had earned it, for a "splendid job well done." Does that mean I hate chickens? Quite the contrary, I raised Bantam Chickens and was a member for many years of the American Bantam Association and respect a prize winning Bantam. I know Pablo doesn't hate bulls just because he kills them, and he also probably likes a good steak fajita as much as I like a good fried chicken leg. That's OUR RIGHT & OUR CHOICE after a hard day at the "Animal Office," and we do not grant the same right and choice to bulls or chickens, but we will see to their welfare until such time as they are dead and gone.
Well then, you animal right activists might suggest, Pablo hates horses because look at what he let's happen to them? I'll bet you that's not true either. How can I make that bet? I have spend a good portion of my life surrounded by over a dozen tigers, feeding them, caring for them, and doing everything in my power to assure their safety and well being. A lot of that time was spent preventing/stopping fights between animals, in which normally one of us would be injured or hurt. A few years ago I saw the most precious animal I have ever had the honor to be a part of, her name was Karma(I only tell you that because it seems to matter to you) die. She was killed in 15 sec. by her mate, who she lived with for 3 years. If I had been in the cage with them, or if it had occurred in the training arena I may have been able to prevent Karma from being killed. Or maybe not. Does that mean I am a bastard who hates tigers? No, I am not, and that's how I know Pablo is not a chinggon(how do you spell that Raul) who hates horses. Look at the videos above. Do you see a grown man, a father of son's, forgetting everything including his son, and putting himself between harm and his animal? Do you see that grown man, crying like a child???? Do you think, animal rights activist, that he is crying because he fell off his horse and went boom!!!! How can you even hope to have particle, a grain of an idea of what this "monster," "this abuser and hater of animals" was feeling that day in his "Office" when even with his greatest effort, every precaution taken, sign of the cross over his heart, fingers crossed SHIT HAPPENED. I'll bet that Pata Negra was no more "just like my family" to Pablo, then Karma was "just like my family" to me. It is different then "family," much deeper into a special place in the heart. We are not bloodthirsty savages or beasts or animals. We just work at a different "Office".
The clip above has 2,780 likes and 3,576 dislikes
I didn't have to make any of the above up, because I have been ass deep in alligators just like Pablo. We've both won some and lost some because that's just life, and that's how you get good at what you do. As I believe in a fair and balanced world, I am going to let an animal rights activist, one of the folks sitting in the boat, watching the folks ass deep in alligators, tell you what it looks like to him/her. Then folks can decide who is making what up and more importantly, why in the world they have to. This is a clip of an incident exactly like the rejoneador clip only at a rodeo, with a similar "cast" of characters, the only difference being the bull was being ridden instead of being fought.
The Sharkster makes a point of begging you to go to a site, so that you can see he is telling the "truth" So you don't have to waste your time, here it is:
to download the entire email. - Kent L. Sturman, Executive Director
To the anonymous, faceless animal rights activist commenter who suggests that I "burn in hell for what you have done to animals. and you can take your bulfigher Pablo with you", I would like to simply say:
No, you go to hell, and Pablo Hermosa de Mendoso is not a "bulfigher", he is an Rejoneador and that's Mr. Rejoneador to you. Go Pablo!!!! You rocked them in Spain, now rock them in Mexico!!!!
Wade Burck
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