Monday, January 31, 2011

Pat Jamison and the Hawthorn Wild Animal Fantasy


dpowhitetiger said...

Every picture of Pat Jamison a winner..I saw Pat work the Palisades Park date sometime between 1957 - 59...can't see the date on the tear sheet. Was anything written on Pat by some of the circus writers of that time? Seems like she was a Cuneo employee and that was it....I want to know more..Thank you for these great pictures....

Wade G. Burck said...

I agree, not much is known about Pat or has been written about her, short of some good buddy glad handing on the "history channel." She was more then an employee, I would think. Some would think not. LOL She was Mrs. Cuneo #2, and the mother of Stephen Cuneo, and to this day refers to herself as Pat Jameson Cuneo. Although Eloise, Mrs. Cuneo #1 always claimed she and Mr. Cuneo were still married, because she(Eloise) didn't believe in divorce.
