Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Krones new Marbach Arabians

Bjorn, thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten that I had this clip of the new horse's arriving in Munich, doubly interesting as it has some great footage of the interior of Krones historic horse stable at the Krone bau. I will probably get myself in trouble, but I gotta say I don't think these are the best horses Krone has gotten from Marbach. Realizing they are obviously young and have their winter coats, they appear to be be quite mutton withered. Not really a soundness issue for a liberty horse, but it will permit the surcingle to slide forward, unless a crupper is used. But as it is Krone and not here in the Colonies(forget you Anonymous!!!!), I can also assume that the harness is the best, handmade set there is, and will have sufficient wither pads as well as cruppers to hold the surcingle in place.

Ankunft von vier Junghengsten vom Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach am 30.11.2010. Die vier wurden von Landesoberstallmeisterin Dr. Astrid von Velsen-Zerweck übergeben an Jana Mandana vom Circus Krone.

For more about the famed Marbach Stud type Marbach in the search bar at the top left of the blog.


Anonymous said...

Very nice video. Makes me wonder how many circus trainers over here, if any, can proudly show off their facilities to high level breeders and speak knowledgably with breeders.

I cringed to hear Cathy's morabs announced as thourobreds in a very horsey town, where half the audience knew what a thourobred is.

What a damn shame that the circus here rarely evolved far from the string of $200 horses tied to the side of the truck. Irvin used to get some nice horses on the show for Gunther and Vargas' Andalusians were a nice group, but how many other well bred groups can you think of.

Wade G. Burck said...

Nice thought, but it isn't her stable(been there for years, and has some "issues" as older facilities tend to have, if you have ever been there and looked at it close), and what is considered knowledgeably? Krone has a long relationship with Marbach based on customer/client satisfaction.
The money spent on great horse's could not even come close to being recouped by an independent act working in the circus. I note you reference two "nice groups" as being show owned, and not private. Yes Ringling historically bought good horses, back in the day, not so much today. Vargas's Andalusian were nice, as well as the Appaloosas purchased from the great trainer Joe Hoffmeister, husband of the wonderful Vi Hoffmeister, father of the equally wonderful trainer JoAnn Anderson, who is the wife of the great trainer Donnie Anderson, who are the parents of the equally talented Stacy Dias and Austin Anderson. In the case of the Andalusians Vargas paid way more then they were worth, which was his normal way of doing things. If you are familiar with the way he swung, he tended to make high octane often insane decisions when it came to animals. He got raped when he purchased the dink General Vargas, but what is a horse named General Vargas worth the Cliff Vargas? Priceless. LOL Yes, it is a shame Cathy's horses were announced as Thoroughbreds, unless she has gotten some new ones. Back in the day her bay Polish Arabians, were purchased from Town and Country Arabians owned by Alec Cortelis. One of the most famous racing Arabian farms in North America.


Anonymous said...

And the second part of Cathy's announcement was that her "rescued, former racehorses"

Wade G. Burck said...

Sign your name. It is obvious that these are new horses, which I don't know much about. The ones I am referencing from the early/mid 90's were definitely not "rescues." They just weren't worth a damn as race horses, but sibling were brilliant performance horses. I am not saying it is right, but maybe she is just riding the wave of feel good "sanctuary" with a showbiz twist added.

Anonymous said...

I just saw a video of the Red Units animal walk in KY and at the end there are four bay horses which look new. On the website under Lucenir Viera de Souza's profile it mentions of Andalusians in the act. Do you think they are the Andalusians and do you think they will be added in throughout the tour? They look really nice to me and do look like Andalusians. I am involved in the horse world and have always been interested in the circus and it's horses since I was a child. Mr Burck I enjoy reading your blog a lot. Thanks for allowing people like myself to gain knowledge from reading it. Keep up the great work.

Wade G. Burck said...

Welcome, we are glad to have you, and thank you for the kind words. I haven't see the video you mention so I can't speak to the bay breed of horse. The web site doesn't mention Arabians, of which Ringling has a number of them? The 3 pictures that are posted with Taba's wife show a bay pinto of unknown pedigree, Fjords, and a Friesian hind leg horse. Sasha Houcke used the same "mix" of breeds in 2004 and they may be left over's from his act. I have personally never liked the mixing of breeds for a liberty act or even different colors of the same breed. I just think an act looks better with all the same breed and color. I also don't think the Fjords make an attractive liberty animal, unless they are mixed half and half with zebras. In that case, it is a very visually pleasing act. Ian Garden trained a beautiful act, and is in the process of making a second one, for a circus in Mexico using 4 white Bactrian camels and 4 black Arabian horse's dressed in red harness.

Anonymous said... this is the video I was talking about. The four bays are the last in line.I also am not particularly a fan of the mixing of breeds either. And I did not see the mention of Arabians either but she also wasn't presenting them, Taba was so that might be the reason.

Wade G. Burck said...

What is your name please. We often times delete anonymous comments without reading them, due to the policy on circusnospin.
Thank you for the clip. The horse's in question pass by quick so it is hard to get a good look, but I will take a guess and suggest that they are not Andalusians. They are young horses, but don't look big enough or have the front end movement of an Andalusian. The wide nose and brow bands also make it difficult to see their face, but their movement and body type looks Arabian to me. Are you sure they are bay's or sun bleached/winter coated blacks?