Saturday, December 11, 2010

Vintage Elephant Training

Below clip is one person working 7 elephants, and a waterslide. It is from 1920, so I don't know if it is the same elephants pictured in the above stereoview originally posted Oct. 11.

Clip courtesy of Joey Ratliff

1 comment:

Jim A. said...

The elephants in the slide going down the slide are at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904. Hagenbeck had eight elephants in their show on the Pike. The animals would tour America after the Fair which would eventually become the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus (lots of business stories involved with Hagenbeck and the promoters). I believe the original trainer was Wm. Philadelphia who would become a mentor to Hugo Schmitt. During the Fair Philadelphia returned to Germany and a young Reuben Castang took over (according to Castang's book).