Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Look Back--July 19, 2008 Lin Wang

On July 8, 2008 I posted the photo above, under the heading Taipei Zoo with the following comment from RJR:

Burmese male elephant Lin Wang. - - -Neither Ken Kawata nor I believe Taipei Zoo’s Lin Wang elephant was anything like 86 years old at time of death on 25 February 2003. I enclose a photo taken of him on 18 Oct 2002 (four months before he died). Kawata said that an elephant that old should show signs of very advanced years such as sunken temples, frayed ears, and ribs showing. I agree. The Taipei folks claimed he was born “around 1918” - -only a guess on their part. I think it was more like the early 1930s. That would have made him around 70 at death - - nevertheless, very impressive. I have videotape of him from late in his life, and he is very youthful looking for what must have been a very advanced age. RJR

This side view photo above of Lin Wang, taken on Oct. 13, 2002, five days before the photo above was taken seems to support what both RJR and Ken Kawata speculate. He appears to be in remarkably good shape for an elephant supposedly 86 years old.


Steve said...

Wade - I note that the esteemed RJR and KK refer to sunken temp-les as a sign of old age and/or, presumably, less than robust good health.

When I made a comment about similarly sunken temples on one of the eunuchs going from Ringlings to PAWS, you told me that sunken temples do not necessarily indicate poor condition.

What is the consensus of opinion on this issue from other elephant people on this blog?

Radar, any thoughts?

Wade G. Burck said...

I don't think that sunken temples necessary points to poor health. I have come to conclude that it is often times a breeding "conformation" characteristic, more often then an indicator of poor health, with exceptions. I was thinking along the lines of "sunken ribs", as RJR stated, as well well as a protruding back bone, lose of muscle tone, especially in the legs/shoulders etc. Add those "signs" with a sunken temple, and you might have health/age issues. This animal don't show any signs of the advanced age of 86. I would have guessed him at 40-45 tops 55.