Monday, December 6, 2010

Giant Panda--Chapultepec Zoo, Mexico City

The money that has been spent on "Panda Conservation" is mindbogglingly, and almost beyond comprehension. The monies spent to built an enclosure to exhibit them at a zoo is equally as unreal. The electronic and video equipment required by the Chinese Government Panda agreements rivals what is housed a NORAD and Nasa. The demands which must be met if a zoo hopes to acquire Panda's for a 5 year lease, are similar to the demands made on Ringling Bros. when the brought the first Chinese Troupe over in 1992. A new, special railroad car had to be built and equipped with a private dining room, kitchen, and a chef brought from China to prepare the meals for the troupe, as well as a specially equipped sleeping car.

I wonder if there is any way to estimate how much the National Zoo has spent on breeding Panda's, with little success until lately? That unsuccessful breeding of an animal is a great mystery, like may in the annuals of zoology. How can every effort, with the finest facility, unlimited funds produce squat, or next to nothing, and a junk yard with the bare minimum produce wonders!!! Portland of the early 70's come's to mind with elephants. The Chapultepec Zoo acquired two Panda, of which I think the female was already impregnated, yet it wasn't until the advent of AI, and frozen semen that Panda's were produced in any great number, no matter how fine of a world class 5 star Chinese restaurant you built them to live in.

Does any one know how the Chapultepec Zoo was able to acquire their first Giant Pandas, which placed them in the annuals of Zoological History forever?

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