Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ghost Exhibits--Original Hoof Stock Area--Maryland Zoo, Baltimore, Maryland.


wombat said...

I used to ride past this every day on a stupid golf cart after they decided we weren't to be trusted to drive our own cars from morning meeting to our work areas. There were so many other old parts of the zoo they had closed down that annoyed me more, I never really thought about this one. Now this photo makes me strangely nostalgic for what was a rather terrible work experience.

wombat said...

I've been searching the internet and my files for a photo of the old closed Reptile House with no success but here's another I found:

Wade G. Burck said...


Welcome, and thank you for the link, I appreciate it. Old Baltimore zoo photos are difficult to come by with the exception of postcards, as are many older zoo's which were not "mainstream". I posted a few a while back, and if you type Druid Hill in the search box in the upper left, it will take you to them.
Are you currently employed at the zoo? I appreciate insight from any member of the "animal fraternity", and will look forward to your comments. The last time I saw the Baltimore Zoo, now the Maryland Zoo was in 1984, when Ringling Bros. played there. At the time it was going through some major changes, and was quite honestly a unpleasant wreck, but you could see things being addressed for the future. Following it's progress over the years, I have been impressed at it's change. I was shown a video in 2008 of one of the keepers, I believe her name was Colleen, working with your elephant calf Samson, and was quite impressed by what I saw done.
If you come across any old Baltimore/Druid Hill photos, particularly of the animal buildings/enclosure's and can scan them, I would sure appreciate posting them on Circus NoSpin. My email is