Thursday, December 9, 2010

For Jim Clubb--Circus Barley 1951

The photo's above are an interesting series of pictures purported to have been taken at Circus Barley in Leipzig Germany in 1951. The "horse" and pyramid props appear to be the same one's, or a rehash as the pedestals are different from the wooden ones below, from the Franz Trubka act which was identified as being the old Court act from 1938-39. Is it Franz Trubka above with new animals, or is it somebody else using the old Court props. Interesting how things get a "name" like the "horse," and the names tend to stick down through the decades. I have always found it interesting that a group of animals sitting on props in the middle of the cage, regardless of the formation, is referred to as a "pyramid," assuming the term came from the traditional shape of the formation, with an an animal at the top in the middle, and the rest at equal heights on either side stretching up to the bridge giving it the "shape/look" of an Egyptian pyramid. In 2010 it still called a "pyramid", even though the "shape/look.," looks nothing like a pyramid ie. the one Jim describes in his new act, the one I did in my last act, similar to Jims as we are both queer for the one Court did, Charly Baumans with cats sitting up in a cluster at various heights. Even GGW who opened with a "pyramid", took the bridge down, set the props in a semi circle and refered to the new formation as a "pyramid."

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