Friday, December 3, 2010

Circus Berolina--2009


Richard Reynolds said...

Might this be one and same as the white rhino seen with other German and Italian circuses in recent years?

White rhinos seem to appear rather commonly in the rings of European circuses but only Flavio Togni has shown one here as far as I know. That was “Thor” with RBBB-Blue in 2000 – 2001.

Wade G. Burck said...

I don't think so because as you say, they are fairly common in Europe. Do you have any idea what the fiasco with the rhino cost Ringling? Remember the huge stainless wagon, that they had built to transport him from the train, used in later years to transport zebras, and eventually props, so as not to be a complete waste. When you can set up a pen outside the back door, it is one thing, but when you have to bring the beast from the next county, it is a real different deal.