Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Vntage Snowflake Post Card--1970

Snowflake, the most remarkable creature that has ever lived died 7 years ago today. To read more about Snowflake, type Snowflake in the search bar on the left.


Anonymous said...

Dear Wade: I think this picture appeared in National Geographic in 1970. I tried sending you an e-mail, but it bounced back. I wanted to know whether you had heard about or watched any of the videos on the internet of the female baby blue eyed albino orang utan which has been discovered in Borneo. You should post some pictures of it on your blog with pictures of Snowflake and that albino chimpanzee. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Take care. Sincerely Paul

Anonymous said...

Dear Wade: One of the last times I was at Laguna Beach in Orange County, SoCal, I went into a store and they were selling greeting cards with a picture of Snowflake when he was still a juvenile like the one above, but he wasn't identified on the card. They had huge problems in the country that Snowflake came from. I know it was still a Spanish colony called Rio Muni when Snowflake was discovered during a National Geographic funded study of the behavior of Western Lowland gorillas in the wild. After independence it was/is called Equatorial Guinea. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but more than a third of the population fled the country. There are gigantic frogs living in Equatorial Guinea. I remember that one of Mrs. Thatcher's sons was some how implicated in an attempted coup in Equatorial Guinea. I also remember that Barcelona Zoo was so clueless when they received Snowflake that they sent the collector a message asking him to "send more white gorillas." Thank you for posting my messages. Sincerely Paul