Thursday, November 25, 2010

* RSS All December West Palm Beach Celebrates “Circus Holiday”


Special tree lighting, free vintage circus exhibition, free concert,

even a rare FREE preview performance of
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® A Magical Holiday Spectacular!

23 November 2010

In December, the new West Palm Beach Waterfront is the Magical

place to be. Beginning on December 2, Clematis Street will transform

into a magical circus themed holiday venue as shop owners decorate

their windows with colorful animals and props and the street magically

illuminates with thousands of overhead lights which lead to the largest

live Christmas tree in the county located on the Waterfront.

Then, beginning on December 9th, the free holiday circus exhibition

opens at the Waterfront Pavilion. Inside, a first of its kind exhibit featuring

the pageantry and showmanship of “The greatest show on earth” as vintage

props and costumes are on display from decades of performances of

the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® circus.

December 17th, before you go shopping or to dinner, bring your family

and join your friends for a major event sure to put you in the holiday

spirit…a RARE FREE preview performance of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey®

A Magical Holiday Spectacular! This sampling of acts and animals from the

holiday show includes magicians, acrobatic and kung fu performances, even

Santa arriving on in a train of elephants. Immediately following the show, grab

your hot chocolate and watch two classics on a giant movie screen, the

“Grinch” cartoon and “Miracle on 34th street”. All under the lights on

the Waterfront!

The holiday festivities culminate on Sunday, December 19th as

“Still Surfin’-Beach Boys Tribute Band “plays a mix of classic holiday tunes

and summer classics.

These are just the highlights, for a full list of all the festive events on

the waterfront please visit Additional details

for these highlighted events are below.

Holiday Streetscape and Tree Lighting Ceremony
Kick off a magical Circus Holiday with the annual, holiday lighting

of the largest live tree in Palm Beach County. As the Mayor and special

guests throw the switch, watch the simultaneous and spectacular illumination

of the length and breadth of Clematis Street. Festively decorated classic cars

and motorcycles will cruise down Clematis followed by the tree lighting at 6pm.

Additional highlights include caroling, photos with Santa, the Happy Holidays

Boutique, Kids Kraft Corner, Toys for Tots collection, fabulous food and nonstop

family fun. FREE!

Dec.9th – January 2nd:
Mon.-Fri. 6-10PM; Sat.8AM-10PM; Sun.2-8PM
Free Holiday Circus Pavilion Exhibition
Experience the exciting legacy of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey®at

this first of its kind FREE event! Visit the Waterfront Pavilion to see authentic

vintage circus wagons, complete with traditional 16-spoke wheels. Dazzling

colorful costumes worn by famous Ringmasters, performers, dancers and

clowns, as well as ornate blankets custom crafted for elephants, horses and

camels will be on display. Learn about ongoing efforts to preserve the

endangered Asian elephant for future generations through photos and artifacts

from the Ringling Bros. Center for Elephant Conservation®.

Free Holiday Circus Spectacular
You’re invited to come see a live, FREE event featuring select performers

from Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® presents A Magical Holiday

Spectacular! Magicians, elephants and performers put the entire family

in the holiday spirit. This holiday themed show features magical illusions,

daring acrobats, Kung Fu Kings mixed martial arts and the Barons of Balance

who reveal amazing agility leaping from one thin low-wire to another. Welcome

Santa as he arrives on the elephants with candy canes for all as the magnificent

creatures enjoy a holiday feast on the Great Lawn at the Waterfront.

The show will be immediately followed by the double feature classics,

“How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and the 1947, “Miracle on 34th Street”

on a giant screen.

Courtesy of Mike Naughton


Brilliant, just brilliant!!!!! I wondered how long it was going to take someone

to capitalize on the wildly successful "European Christmas Circus Festival." I

wonder why it has taken so long. The success at Evansville at Thanksgiving time

should have been a tip off. Good luck, RBBB. I hope it is as wildly successful

as it is in Europe.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Animal trainer, it seems that i can find how-to videos on anything and everything from welding to ski jumping to building a house. Yet, I can't find a single video of how to train an elephant to sit up on a stand or balance on one foot. I know it's all done with treats and stuff, but you would think someone would want to show everyone how the happy little elephants sit up and beg for treats like puppy dogs.Isn't it strange that in 100 years of movies and video, not one single person has filmed it to show the world. I mean apart from people who have to sneak in to catch some hidden video. Don't you WANT to prove to everyone how happy they are to learn their tricks for treats?

Steve said...

Ever heard of intellectual property, anonymouse?

Wade G. Burck said...

No name nitwit,
You really are that ignorant, aren't you. I was trying to give you a reasonable doubt. Do you actually think all those videos made that you mention, plus the dog training, cat training, horse training, etc. etc. that you didn't mention, are to "show you how to do it?" They are made for you to buy, over and over again, not for you to see how the craftsman does it. Folks who want to weld, ski jump, build a house, train their dog, their cat, or their horse, then are "separated from their finances" by the material available. I have bought house building books, because I want to build a house someday, but I could care less how to weld. But guess what, a DVD is sure not going to make me a house builder. I have going to have to keep buying DVD's and then pay someone to help me. See how those "instructional DVD's" work?
Now here is where your panties will get in a wad, Missy. Every body who has an elephant or tiger, because the Government has approved them to have one, knows how to train it. Nobody could
be "separated from their finances", so their is no need to make any.
Do you have an elephant that you want to know how to train? If there were a half million like you, I would make a video in a heart beat, and "separate you from your finances" for $50 a pop. Hell, I would even make a "elephant whisperer Correspondence Course" with 10 DVD's and
"separate you from you finances," for $500 a pop. Otherwise, it isn't worth mine, or anyone elses time. Someone who owns an elephant has a question, I'll help him out gratis, and vice versa.
But if you want an idea, buy any dog or training book, that shows you how to sit a dog up. It's the same deal. Buy a horse training book, that explains pressure and release. It's the same deal. You can even train your tiger, with one of those books mentioned.
One small difference and here where you have to be smart. A dog/cat can sit up from his stomach or from a sternal recumbency, and he can sit up from a hind leg stand also. But an elephant has to sit up on a tub, or has to sit up from a lateral recumbency, and can't sit up from a hind leg stand.
Can you tell me why, Gunther Gebel Williams? If you can, we will continue with lesson two, next time. Good luck, and let me know if you have any problems.

Wade G. Burck said...

Are you suggesting that no name nit wit has some intelligence? LOL

Steve said...

Let's hope so, or she'll be reaching for the dictionary to understand your last post!! lol

Anonymous said...

Lame response. People film things for all sorts of reasons other than to sell videos. They film their hobbies, occupations, families, vacations, even their bedroom activities. They don't film criminal activity when the film could be used against them in court. You really twisted yourself into a pretzle to come up with that bs, didn't you?

Wade G. Burck said...

No name nitwit,
You don't even know what a dictionary is, do you? You just crapped in your pant's for the world. I can understand now why you don't want anyone to know who you are. LOL

I am afraid Slobbering Sally doesn't even know what intellectual means, let alone intellectual property. Boy, has she brilliantly hung some public relations paper for the IQ of an activist. LOL I would love to see and hear her and Felica in a battle of wit's, huh.

Steve said...

You sell the tickets for the battle.

I want the popcorn rights - I know a pretty good popcorn maker over there right now!!

Wade G. Burck said...

We have had the Royal Rumble, the Bash at the Beach, Summer Slam, etc. I already have the printer getting paper ready for this deal. It will be the biggest ever, The Dummy Death Match pitting Spit Up against Drool.

On a serious note, didn't she brilliantly show the world what and activist really is? All right, that is enough serious for one day. She wouldn't believe one of my home movies any way, even if I did send her one. I didn't get the name Love Rocket for nothing, mate.

Steve said...

Careful Wade - your Mum checks out this blog!! You don't want her checking out your video cabinet do you? LOL

Now a serious comment to anonymouse - you can find videos of people training exotic animals if you are patient enough to look.

Most of them are not very good because [a] the person making them was trying to be a film star so the emphasis was on him/her rather than the animals and/or [b]animal training is not a spectator turn on.

It is laborious, slow work and only the genuinely savvy people could derive any interest from the training process. It is not the stuff that could run for a couple of minutes on YouTube.

Our show once trained a trio of lions in public. We advertised that training would be at 4pm daily at whatever location the circus was at. We invited the RSPCA and the animal rights people to come and see for themselves how it was truly done.

The RSPCA turned up twice [and may have had an undercover spy on other occasions]. They declared that there was nothing wrong with what we were doing at all. Over the months, hundreds of members of the public came along for the free show. Very few of them lasted for a full training session. They just did not have the patience that animal trainers have to have.

And the AR people? They would not come and see for themselves what really happens. They didn't want to let the truth get in the way of their propaganda.

Wade G. Burck said...

You are absolutely correct. I have not know but a few people, who have ever been able to "endure" the complete training process, because as you so eloquently stated they get bored with the long hours required. It is like nothing they ever imagined, and unless there is a real desire, and as important, ability to understand and learn, it soon wears very thin.