Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nice, insightful letter from a circus fan in England. With enough folks on board, maybe we can turn this ship around.


I greatly enjoy and follow your blog with interest, and find it very informative.

I do not confess to being an expert, but do think the information, memories and collections circus fans have to share are important, even if they just provide a platform for discussion. and often as I have now experienced, the men 'in the know' can provide the more informed comments, and more detailed information. I also find it interesting, in fact sometimes highly amusing, when some of these 'experts' are firmly placed on their seats by yourself and others.

I did have ambitions myself to work with animals in the circus, and was offered an apprenticeship with Dickie Chipperfield in the mid 1980's. I was advised by the Chipperfields to think carefully if this was really what I wanted to do, over the months before I was of age to join the show. I gave this a great deal of thought, but realised I did not have the commitment required, and did not want to waste the families valuable time, and therefore did not persue this any further.

Whilst looking for information for Thomas I discovered the letter from Dickie amongst my collection, and it did make me think where I might be and what I might be doing it happens I am the manager of an OR Department LOL!

Very sadly 'real' circus has almost disappeared in the UK now, and quality shows with big animal groups will never be seen here again, but I continue to follow world circus news and history, and your blog provides a great deal of very informed knowledge. There must be thousands of photographs etc out there, that circus supporters have taken which will most probably never be seen, which is very sad, and another reason I decided on using my blog for this purpose.

I look forward to future correspondence

Kind regards


I want to thank Gary for his kind words, and for his dedication to the circus world. The link for Gary's site is now posted on the right, so please check it out from time to time, and comment if you are so moved. Also don't forget Thomas Bohners site, as well as Marco Kristians.

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