Saturday, November 6, 2010

Maddi Robinson

This is Maddi Robinson, on her first birthday 6/11/10. This cutie is the daughter of Darling Down Zoo's Steve and Steph Robinson. She is the next generation of circus animal trainers to take the good fight to the animal right's nit wit's. If she had waited for 3 months to make her appearance, she would have been born in the "animal magic" month of Sept. along with, GGW, Charly Baumann, Henry Schroder, and Goma from the Basel Zoo.


Maddi said...

Thank you Uncle Wade.

Maybe November will be the new month for good animal people?

My folks are sure indoctrinating [sorry - teaching] me.

Mum and Dad said hi!

Wade G. Burck said...

My pleasure. You Aussie children sure use different words from children in the Colonies. What you call indoctrinating, my children call pounding into our heads. At least the adults are on the same page by using the same word for the action, teaching. It would give me great joy to meet you personally one day, Sweetie.

Ask your Mum and Dad to take you to see Eroni's Circus. They have some wonderful animal acts, and a really sharp girl named Kelly Maynard performs there also. Eroni's Circus is a traditional traveling Australian circus, founded in 2007 and owned by Tony and Cathy Maynard(thats that sharp girl Kellys Mum and Dad.) Acts include performing horses and ponies, trick roping, performing dogs, hula hoops, trapeze, and other aerial acts, acrobats, juggling, clowns, etc. Eroni's Circus performs in a 32-metre, red-and-white Big Top marquee.

Anonymous said...

I came across this old interview, which might be of interest to the Aussie blog readers.

Maddi said...

Uncle Wade - Dad said to tell you that we in Australia are the Colonies too. The Poms sent their convicts out here in the 1770s and they were the first white settlers. I think that Dad was there at the time.

Dad and Mum have heard of Kelly but have never met her. Dad says that she is the face of Aussie circus in the 21st century. Her Mum and Dad have sure built a nice circus with some very well looked after animals.

Wade G. Burck said...

I know for a fact your Dad was there in the 1770's. The Smithsonian Archives has an letter from him, with a return address only as Chief Steve Robinson, 1326 Kookaburra Gum Tree,Terra Australis Incognita. In the letter he wrote to "The Chief of the Thirteen Colonies", he was whining about some chap named Lieutenant James Cook who was bossing people around and saying he was taking Terra Australis Incongita for the King of England. Your Dad was at a place called Possession Island throwing rocks at this Cook chap's ship and apparently being a real pain. I think if your Dad had spoke English back then, he would have realized that "Possession" means we own your behind, you work for us, and we are your Daddy, or in this case Queen. There was no more communication from your Dad, except that one letter, but the Smithsonian folks had made a note that says, "apparently Chief Robinson and Lt. Cook squared their beef, because it is recorded that your Dad sold Lt. Cook the last 4 Moas alive. Your Dad had stole, sorry, traded for them from a Maori Chief for a bag of tobacco, an autographed Chief Robinson boomerang, and a can of tea he got off of one of Lt. Cook's seamen. Long story short, those 4 Moas died on the way back to England and that is why there are no more Moas in the world today. You need to thank your Dad for that, Maddi. The Smithsonian records go on to say that Lt. Cook was pretty hot at being sold bum Moas, and threatened to put a curse on your Dad and New South Wales(that's what the Queen called your homeland, so the French would keep their bloody hand's off of it.) Your Dad being a brave, no nonsense moron, sorry Chief, said Lt. Cook could "go pound sand and jam his curse, because he(your Dad) didn't believe in curses!!!!!" Brilliant. I will remind you Maddi, you have a Prime Minister, a Westminster system legislature, and you elect parliamentarians to the Parliament of Australia. You might want to thank your Dad for that also, Maddi. Karma sure is a unpleasant. I am positive your Dad is not descended from one of those convict imports, but as 25% of what is now Australia is descended from them, I won't vouch for Robert Perry.

Steve said...

Listen Burck,

I've warned Maddi about old blokes chatting her up. Sweetie huh?

And wait till I tell Robert about your comment - watch out for incoming spears!

And, for your Yankee information, Moa and Maori come from New Zealand which is a collection of little islands away off the east coast of this great country.

Apart from that you just about got it right!!

BTW - we had somebody here from South Dakota. When I asked them about ND they said that they didn't know about it because nobody lives there!!!!

Wade G. Burck said...

I know where New Zealand is. It's where you took a load of your loyal tribesmen to sell to the Dutch Whaler's for enough funds to get back to Possession Island with the 4 Moa's.
The chap you spoke to is lying. There are 9 of us in North Dakota. There used to be 10, but we sent the trouble maker who lied all the time packing to what is often referred to as the "International Penal Colony."