Tuesday, November 2, 2010

London Zoo--Department of Herpetology(Reptile Dept)

Above is a bust of Curator of Reptiles from 1923 to 1931, Ms. Joan Beauchamp Procter by George Alexander.

Above are plaques "supposedly" honoring other noteworthy members of the London Zoo Reptile Dept. I say "supposedly" because I can not find the name of one of the most noteworthy member's of this esteemed zoological department, Edward Horatio Girling. I have enabled the above plaques to be enlarged by clicking twice, in case I missed Mr. Girling's name, and someone can point it out to me. Listed below is what the plaques say if you are blind:

Top one is of Joan Beauchamp Procter - the Curator of Reptiles from 1923 to 1931.

Middle one is of Jack Lester - Curator of Reptiles from 1946 to 1956.

Bottom one is of Matthew Niddery.

I do not see the name Edward Horatio Girling, and that is a travesty and disgrace.

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