Friday, November 12, 2010


July 8, 2009

The jubilance at the Memphis Zoo following the Monday night birth of an African elephant calf was snatched away on Wednesday after the new baby was accidentally killed by its mother.

At about 10 a.m. Wednesday, the calf stumbled in the enclosure. As Asali tried to right the baby with her trunk, she used too much pressure and critically injured it with her tusk, said Chuck Brady, zoo president and CEO.

Zoo staffers immediately moved Asali away from the female calf, but the facility’s medical team, including an elephant expert brought in for the birth, was unable to save the calf, Brady said.


This sounds an awful lot like an "alibi" to me. In an animal rights effort to "humanize" elephants, why is it so hard to accept that Asali may have just killed her calf? Why must everything be a "feel good rescue?" Homo Sapiens, male and female, have committed the same heinous crime for centuries, as far back as Gods supposed request to Abraham.(I'm not saying I agree, but I do understand...... Just kidding Adam, Eric, and Taylor. I love you very much.) For some reason, the animal rights activists feel a need to put animals on a much higher plane, then an abstract thinking/reasoning human being. You would think they would have enough fact's on their side, if they were indeed facts, to not have to fabricate fact's that suit their agenda. They have beat the post tramatic stress syndrome horse to death, so I suggest they mount up and ride the post partum depression horse for a while. If Asasi can attempt to "rescue" her baby, the Montecore can "rescue" Roy Horn. If that's the case, then animals trained for performances and raised in captivity, are just as well adjusted, sensitive, insightful, compassionate, reasoning as studied through binocular wild animals are. Which would suggest that there is nothing wrong with the keeping of animals in zoos and circus's, as it does not change who/what they are. I call peta. Either fold, or show me what's in your hand.

Type Memphis Zoo in the search bar at the top left of the blog.

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