Monday, November 1, 2010

Asian Tropic Project--Denver Zoo

10 acres due to open 2012, Double Click


Joey frisco said...

Hey wade my family and I went to the denver zoo a month ago and were able to see this new facility in the making by what they call the eagles nest.. It was a fifty foot tower that we went up into and looked at the new construction. It looked really big and unique so far.. Should be a really nice place.

Wade G. Burck said...

We shall see. Odd thing, the "Pachyderm House" at the Denver zoo, also houses the rhino and tapir, and they are apparently "splitting" the exhibit area/time in the new facilities. I wonder if it has anything to do with keeping things as "same old, same old" for the elephants to prevent any post traumatic stress problems. LOL I see they have a "walk across" bridge. Peter Stroud ought to be gagging about now. I hope he points out that they may have to be walked "temple elephant" style, instead of "circus" style. It might show he is a fair man, and not an extremist activist. Boy, I sure wish Clayton Freiheit, may he rest is peace, was here. He could smooth any beefs.