Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Activists take aim at California zoo's elephant rides

Activists have enlisted entertainer Charo to get a zoo in Southern California zoo to end its more than quarter-century tradition of elephant rides.

Many zoos have caved to pressure from animal advocates who say its cruel and ended elephant rides.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals spokeswoman Lisa Wathne says the Santa Ana Zoo is acting more like a circus than an accredited zoo. Activists have intensified their opposition since the ride opened for the season last month but picketing the zoo on weekends.

And PETA got Charro to write Mayor Miguel Pulido last week to plead for a ban on elephant rides.

But the Orange County zoo's director Kent Yamaguchi says there's no mistreatment and elephant rides will continue.

This is something. The Queen of the Clowns thinking she know's what is good for elephants, and want's to ban rides, because "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals spokeswoman Lisa Wathne says the Santa Ana Zoo is acting more like a circus than an accredited zoo!!!!!"

1 comment:

PK said...

Charo,a butch Bob Barker?
No.An elderly Pam Anderson.
Betty White is the butch Bob Barker.