Friday, October 15, 2010

Wally Ross and the Vargas Elephants

That's a young Col. Joe on the left


Ryan Easley said...

If you hadn't heard, Lottie died a few days ago at Buckley's old place.

Wade G. Burck said...

No, I hadn't heard that. What a shame. She was one of the kindest, gentlest, most unique elephants I have ever had the honor of breathing the same air with. She had a unique habit that I have never seen before or since. When she would get worked up over something, like waiting for her grain, or if you started baby talking to her(yes, I admit I go goo goo to some unique animals) she would reach between her front legs and grab her left nipple and pull it and whine. She had done that her whole life, and after a period of years her left nipple was about 4 inches longer then her right nipple. A wonderful old girl whom I missed, but was happy for when she left.

Anonymous said...

Carson and Barnes "Opal" used to do the same thing, with the same result- one elongated nipple.