Sunday, October 17, 2010

Unknown Russian Circus Performer--1989


gazrob said...


I believe this is the act of Nadezhda and Marina Mayatskaya. This act, as at the Kiev Circus in May 1982, contained 5 cheetahs and 4 very large black terrier dogs, presented in the main by Marina.

The act was programmed as 'new and original', and the reviewer felt perhaps not a well thought out mix of species, with a few skirmishes between the animals, where it became apparent that Marina's husband was in fact the trainer.

The reviewer also indicates that the cage door attendant stood throughout the act with a fire hose at the ready!

Once the dogs left the cage, the cheetahs displayed their speed by racing around the ring. A fifth cheetah was shown separately clearing hurdles at speed.

The reviewer makes note of there being two separate entrances for the species, linked directly to a wheeled beast wagon (as opposed to the usual shifting den drawn alonside).


Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you, that tells us much more about the act. I thought it was a leash act, and I have never seen any dogs in the few photo's I have seen. The Russians are noted for using "odd" animal's for presentation. When you never see it again, it is assumed that they are too hard to train, and only the skill Russians can do it, when in reality God couldn't do it, and it just isn't going to work and was a poor idea fueled by an unregulated source of animals.
Marina is sure gorgeous enough, but most "cute and charming" acts are just that, with out much of any thing going on.

Dominique Jando said...

This is indeed Marina Mayatskaya, with her group of cheetahs (she had six, I believe, when I saw her in Moscow in the early 1990s).