Thursday, October 14, 2010

This is the saddest thing I have ever seen two "professionals" do. They just tainted their whole profession.

I don't normally pay attention to this kind of issue, but in this case it is so sad and unprofessional that I thought we should take a look at it. The "women" host/interviewer Joy Behar and her friend Whoppi Goldberg stomped off the tv set after being upset that their guest, Bill O'Reilly did not agree with them. I hate to use the term "cry baby", but if your child acted like this you would call it a tantrum, and give them some time outs. Just an amazing low rent thing to do, and so reveling of their cause's and ideals. Barbara Walters, probably the best, fairest, most hard nosed interviewer since David Frost handed Richard Nixon his lunch, has the professionalism and great grace to point out what a bottom feeder move it was that her two friends pulled, and that it was not something that folk's watching should have been subjected to. What is wrong with the world if we can't discuss differing thoughts/philosophies without wringing our hands like babies and walking away, when we don't hear what we want to hear, with agreement and endorsement of our agenda.


Anonymous said...

Don't know how much I agree with you about Barbara Walters, especialy after I watched her sitting on the floor with Dennis Rodman fawning all over him - aghh!

I don't recall the Nixon/Frost interview, but I must say, Nixon's 'crimes' pale in comparrison to what we've had with the last two administrations. Besides, Nixon's accomplishments were huge - opening relations with China, starting the EPA, ending the war, affirmative action (If you like that sort of thing), equal pay for women. He was almost a liberal, yet the liberals still hated him.

All this is way off the 'View' topic, but I always have to throw in a couple of positives for Dick, lest anyone think he was worse than today's clowns.


Jeff Swanson said...

I applaud them. Their walking off the set cause the whole ordeal to be on every media outlet in this country thus showing how ignorant and bigoted Bill is. It is important to note that Bill was throwing a "tantrum" as well - it was just that he was yelling the loudest. Perhaps they were taking a page out of Bill's book, that any publicity is good publicity.

Wade G. Burck said...

Come on, are you crazy. I was surprised at Whoopi, as she is a very talented women, but for the whinny no talent what so ever Joy Beher, it was par for the course and her normal standard. They just didn't like Bill having fact's, and pointing out that 70% of the people against the temple construction, was not the "we" that they were trying to trick folks into believing. Joy has to learn that you have to bring more then a feel good tupperware party to the table, if you are going to sit down with a big dog like Bill OReilly. Bill doesn't have time for "high five, sister" and "you go girl." He is way to busy getting his ducks and fact's in a row.

Wade G. Burck said...

The Rodman deal was just part of Barbara's "schtick" in the interview. It was how you dealt with a mutt like Rodman at the time.
You are correct about Nixon. No president ever did more, yet for some odd reason was usually despised by both parties. When Frost got him to admit on nation wide tv that "yes, he had done something wrong, but he,(Nixon) felt that the office of Presidency was exempt form the same rules and law's that others must abide by," it was pretty shocking. But, yes compared to what has been done since(no birth certificate for our current "leader" is right up their with Bill Clinton's shenanigans) it is small time. He only lied about trying to cover for the misdeed's of other's. He didn't do the crime. He only hid it, and then lie about it, given his "view" of what right's the President has.