Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Suwako--Kobe Zoo


Anonymous said...

As you print this Roocroft's booked his ticket to Japan to solve all their elephant management problems.Then again wherever you turn their are elephants in crap condition/conditions.Wade I often have difficulty in seeing the pics you present any ideas how to rectify this enigma.I can always view those on Buckles Blog.cheers for any help offered.

Wade G. Burck said...

I am sure Alan will do a superb evaluation/suggestion study in Japan. The Brit's seem to have gotten a world wide handle on elephants of late. Speaking of

1. a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation

2. a saying, question, picture, etc., containing a hidden meaning

"Then again wherever you turn their are elephants in crap condition/conditions.Wade I often have difficulty in seeing the pics you present any ideas how to rectify this enigma.I can always view those on Buckles Blog"

You seem to be a bit of an enigma yourself. Where ever you turn there are things, human, animal, plant, water, and air in crap conditions/conditions. It isn't a perfect world. If you have difficulty looking at the picture's, don't look. Did you need the link for the "history channel" or do you have it. Let me know. Cheers, that's the best help I can offer

Wade G. Burck said...

Addendum to Anonymous,
Note in this picture work has started on her foot problem. It was a crap condition, that has been addressed and is being rectified. That is the most important thing, and crap conditions can be fixed. They sure don't need to be eliminated or closed down, if you are able to get it back right, and keep it right.