Monday, October 18, 2010

Sabine Rancy


Anonymous said...

Theodor Rancy started Circus Rancy in 1856 later Napoleon Rancy took over and in 1932 Henry Rancy. Sabine Rancy was the last member of her family to run the circus with her husband Dani Renz until she died in 1982. In 1983 Mr. Raoul Gibault started Cirque Albert Rancy. He is now director of Cirque Medrano in france.


Rob said...


your remarks on the Albert Rancy circus are not correct.
It was Claudy Renotte who started the circus in 1982.
Raoul Gibault was one of the members of the board of direction, and responsible for the press relations.
(I traveled and worked with the show for some time in 1982)
Hope this helps.

Kind regards

Rob Donkers (The Netherlands)