Monday, October 4, 2010

Rotterdam Zoo--Old Giraffe House


Rob said...

Originally this was the old Elephanthouse and paddock.When the Elephants moved to the,then,new build Asia section of the zoo,the Giraffes moved to the old Elaphanthouse.The old Giraffehouse became the Okapihouse.The building on a previous photo,called the old Giraffehouse,which it was not,was at first the reptilehouse and is now a teahouse.The old Giraffe paddock a place to rest with tables and chairs.The old Giraffehouse was a same building on the opposite side
of the old reptilehouse with the old Giraffe paddock in the middle.


Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you for the correction. I am trying to find and save any old pictures of original zoo buildings before they are "destroyed" or changed with some horrendous "structure" such as the new giraffe house, and as many zoo's are "redoing" old exhibits it is hard to keep track, so I appreciate the help in keeping it right.